2009 Senate Bill 286

Require citizenship/resident preferences in "economic development" programs

Introduced in the Senate

March 3, 2009

Introduced by Sen. Ray Basham (D-8)

To prohibit the granting of Transportation Economic Development Fund subsidies unless the beneficiary promises not to hire illegal aliens, to comply in good faith with the legal status verification requirements of federal law, and to make a good faith effort to only hire Michigan residents and use Michigan suppliers and vendors on the project unless that means the project cannot be completed. Violators could have their subsidies revoked and be required to repay all or part of them. An annual Transportation Economic Development Fund report to the legislature and the governor would have to give the number of residents employed by beneficiaries of these subsidies, and the specific reasons for each exemption granted from the proposed state-resident-job requirements.

Referred to the Committee on Commerce and Tourism