2010 House Bill 6468

Authorize criminal penalties for “cyberbullying”

Introduced in the House

Sept. 21, 2010

Introduced by Rep. Lisa Brown (D-39)

To make it a crime to post a message online about a person who is under age 18 if the poster knows it is false or intentionally misleading; if a reasonable person would find it damaging to character or reputation; and it is posted with the intent to intimidate, frighten, harass or cause emotional distress. Also banned would be intentionally concealing one’s identity while posting such a statement; and posting a statement urging, recommending, or soliciting a minor to injure or kill himself or herself. Penalties would range from fines to 20 years in prison depending on the age of the violator and whether any actual physical harm occurs to the “cyberbully” target.

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary