To revise a detail of a law that lets an individual get an interim teaching certificate if among other things he or she is taking a training program deemed to be the equivalent of at least 12 college credit hours. The bill would retain a requirement that the program have a “proven record of producing successful teachers,” but remove a requirement that this record had to be proven “in one or more other states,” and also remove a basic math and reading skills test.
Referred to the Committee on Education
Reported without amendment
With the recommendation that the substitute (S-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.
Amendment offered
To eliminate a requirement that a interim teacher permit instruction program have "cohort grade point average" of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and instead require that the individual candidate have a GPA in that range.
The amendment failed 15 to 22 (details)
Passed in the Senate 24 to 13 (details)
Referred to the Committee on Education Reform
Reported without amendment
With the recommendation that the substitute (H-2) be adopted and that the bill then pass.
Passed in the House 85 to 23 (details)
To revise a detail of a law that lets an individual get an interim teaching certificate if among other things he or she is taking a training program deemed to be the equivalent of at least 12 college credit hours. The bill would retain a requirement that the program have a “proven record of producing successful teachers,” but remove a requirement that this record had to be proven “in one or more other states,” and also remove a basic math and reading skills test.
Passed in the Senate 24 to 10 (details)
To concur with the House-passed version of the bill.