To repeal the tuition tax credit in the state income tax.
Referred to the Committee on Appropriations
Substitute offered
Which would appropriate the money saved by repealing the tax credit to colleges and universities separately from their regular amounts, so that even if the regular appropriations were reduced by a given percentage, these tax credit funds would not be affected.
The substitute failed 11 to 22 (details)
Amendment offered
To appropriate funds saved by repealing the tax credit to colleges on a per-capita (per-student) basis.
The amendment failed 17 to 18 (details)
Substitute offered
Which would distribute the funds saved by repealing the tax credit to colleges using the same distribution formula on which their regular appropriations are based, and require them to certify that the funds will be rebated to students who have paid increased tuition rates this year.
The substitute passed 21 to 14 (details)
Passed in the Senate 21 to 14 (details)
To repeal the college tuition tax credit in the state income tax, distribute the funds saved by the repeal to colleges using the same distribution formula on which their regular appropriations are based, and require them to certify that the funds will be rebated to students who have paid increased tuition rates this year.