To increase the felony threshold for various offenses in which money or property is illegally obtained, and establish graduated sanctions based upon the amount of money or value of property involved, and the defendant's prior record. The bill is part of a legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 402 to 411.
Referred to the Committee on Judiciary
Substitute offered
To adopt a version of the bill recommended by the committee which reported it to the full Senate.
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the Senate 36 to 0 (details)
To increase felony and misdemeanor thresholds for various offenses in which money or property is illegally obtained, and establish graduated sanctions based upon the amount of money or value of property involved, and the defendant's prior record. The bill is part of a legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 402 to 411. It establishes sentencing guidelines for a crime under crime a part of the state housing development authority act of 1966 which addesses issues of fraud involving use of false pretenses.
Substitute offered
To recommend modifications to language contained in the bill resulting from committee testimony and deliberation.
The substitute failed by voice vote
Substitute offered
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 104 to 0 (details)
To increase felony and misdemeanor thresholds for various offenses in which money or property is illegally obtained, and establish graduated sanctions based upon the amount of money or value of property involved, and the defendant's prior record. The bill is part of a legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 402 to 411. It establishes sentencing guidelines for a crime under a part of the state housing development authority act of 1966 which addesses issues of fraud involving use of false pretenses.
Passed in the Senate 33 to 0 (details)
To concur with the House-passed version of the bill.