2003 Senate Bill 150 / Public Act 19

Introduced in the Senate

Feb. 6, 2003

Introduced by Sen. Jason Allen (R-37)

To allow colleges or universities, in addition to local governments, to enter into contracts with the state under the law which authorizes contracts and grants to acquire, construct, and maintain harbors, channels, and facilities for vessels in navigable waters.

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs

March 13, 2003

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (S-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

March 20, 2003

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one which incorporates technical changes that do not affect the substance of the bill as previously described.

The substitute passed by voice vote

March 25, 2003

Passed in the Senate 38 to 0 (details)

Received in the House

March 25, 2003

Referred to the Committee on Great Lakes and Tourism

May 13, 2003

Reported without amendment

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

May 20, 2003

Passed in the House 105 to 0 (details)

To allow colleges or universities, in addition to local governments, to enter into contracts with the state under the law which authorizes contracts and grants to acquire, construct, and maintain harbors, channels, and facilities for vessels in navigable waters.

Signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm

June 17, 2003