2003 Senate Bill 434 / Public Act 95

Introduced in the Senate

May 1, 2003

Introduced by Sen. Michael Switalski (D-10)

To eliminate the $9 state portion of court costs levied on municipal and state civil infractions and replace it with a $10 assessment which would be sent to the state Treasury and deposited into a new Justice System Fund which would replace some of the general fund money now used to pay for the judiciary. This bill is one of many authorizing fee increases Gov. Jennifer Granholm is proposing to close a gap between state spending and expected revenue in the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget. The legislative package would fix the amount of various court fees and reduce the discretion of judges to waive fees in certain cases.

Referred to the Committee on Appropriations

May 27, 2003

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the bill pass.

June 3, 2003

Passed in the Senate 37 to 0 (details)

Received in the House

June 3, 2003

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary

June 12, 2003

Reported without amendment

Without amendment.

July 1, 2003

Passed in the House 98 to 5 (details)

To eliminate the $9 state portion of court costs levied on municipal and state civil infractions and replace it with a $10 assessment which would be sent to the state Treasury and deposited into a new Justice System Fund which would replace some of the general fund money now used to pay for the judiciary. This bill is one of many authorizing fee increases Gov. Jennifer Granholm is proposing to close a gap between state spending and expected revenue in the Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget. The legislative package would fix the amount of various court fees and reduce the discretion of judges to waive fees in certain cases.

Signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm

July 24, 2003