2003 Senate Bill 521

Introduced in the Senate

May 28, 2003

Introduced by Sen. Michelle McManus (R-35)

To freeze at their current level annual payments in lieu of property taxes (PILT) made by the state to local governments on some one-million acres of state land under the jurisdiction of the Department of Natural Resources. Payments in lieu of taxes on new land acquired by the state would be frozen at a level based on the purchase price. No new local taxes could be levied against PILT property. Local governments could continue to levy existing taxes on DNR land, but these could not be renewed or new levies imposed. Local governments would be authorized to forgive future tax payments when the state negotiates land purchases. Collection would be streamlined by requiring counties to send one annual tax bill for all DNR land in the county. The state would not be required to pay the six-mill state education tax on DNR-managed land. The annual payments in lieu of taxes would have to be paid before any other DNR expenditures.

Referred to the Committee on Appropriations