2003 Senate Bill 544

Revise mobile home regulations

Introduced in the Senate

June 4, 2003

Introduced by Sen. Valde Garcia (R-22)

To require mobile home park developers to hook up to municipal water and sewer systems, prohibit a municipality from charging a mobile home park more than other customers for water and sewer services, and revise the membership of the state Mobile Home commission and change its name to the Manufactured Housing Commission. The commission would not include a member of organized labor, and instead would include two locally elected officials, rather than one. The bill is part of a legislative package comprised of Senate Bills 544 to 552.

Referred to the Committee on Local, Urban, and State Affairs

June 30, 2004

Substitute offered

To strip out the provision requiring a mobile home park to use a municipality's water and sewage service system, if accessible, and revise the changes to the mobile home commission membership. The revised commission membership would include local elected officials representing a county, a township, and a village; a local elected official representing a school board or a municipal planner; a member of a park residents association; a park resident who also would represent organized labor; three operators of licensed manufactured home parks; a manufacturer of manufactured homes; a manufactured home servicer or installer; and a representative of financial institutions.

Consideration postponed

July 1, 2004

Amendment offered by Sen. Valde Garcia (R-22)

To add an additional member to the Mobile Home Commission who is a manufactured home dealer.

The amendment passed 21 to 15 (details)

Passed in the Senate 27 to 9 (details)

To prohibit a municipality from charging a mobile home park more than other customers for water and sewer services, revise the membership of the state Mobile Home commission, and change its name to the Manufactured Housing Commission.

Received in the House

July 6, 2004

Referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy