2003 Senate Bill 856

Introduced in the Senate

Dec. 2, 2003


To require the state "Travel Michigan" bureau, assisted by the Department of Transportation and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), to conduct a comprehensive study of the litter problems of the state, or have such a study conducted, and to publish the results within one year. The study would include the incidence of littering in the various areas; a descriptive categorization of areas where littering is the greatest, with the relative incidence of littering in each type of area; and demographic information about people who litter. The bill is tie-barred to Senate Bill 721, meaning it cannot become law unless that bill also becomes law. Senate Bill 721 would impose a $3 per ton solid waste disposal surcharge on garbage placed in Michigan landfills. The Senate Fiscal Agency estimates that this would impose some $15 million in new fees on households and businesses.

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs

Dec. 11, 2003

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (S-2) be adopted and that the bill then pass.