2004 House Bill 5436

Regulate mail order pharmacies

Introduced in the House

Jan. 27, 2004

Introduced by Rep. Randy Richardville (R-56)

To impose the same licensure requirements and regulations that apply to Michigan pharmacies on out-of-state pharmacies that sell to Michigan residents by mail order, and eliminate a current prohibition on Michigan-based pharmacies selling by mail order. The bill is part of a package comprised of House Bills 5435 to 5438, which would also prohibit health insurers, HMOs, and other health plans from paying different amounts for prescription drugs to different pharmacists, whether they sell by mail order or over the counter.

Referred to the Committee on Health Policy

March 23, 2004

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the bill be referred to the Committee on Insurance.

Referred to the Committee on Insurance and Financial Services