2004 Senate Bill 1457

Authorize sulfide mining

Introduced in the Senate

Nov. 3, 2004

Introduced by Sen. Jason Allen (R-37)

To authorize and provide regulations for sulfide mining, including extensive disclosure, oversight, public input, and land reclamation provisions. At least two companies have discovered large deposits of nickel, copper and other useful minerals which are bound up in rock formations containing sulfur in the Upper Peninsula. This kind of mining produces toxic byproducts, and precautions must be taken to ensure these do not pollute the environment during or after the mining process. The bill would require mining companies to post performance bonds, and to monitor the sites for at least 20 years after the mine is closed. It would require permits to be issued if it is determined that a proposed mining operation will not pollute, impair, or destroy the air, water, or other natural resources.

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs