2005 House Bill 4746

Allow health insurer “conscientious objector” status

Introduced in the House

May 10, 2005

Introduced by Rep. Scott Hummel (R-93)

To establish in statute the right of health insurance companies and HMOs to refuse to offer any benefit that violates an ethical, moral, or religious principle reflected in their articles of incorporation or bylaws. Organizations refusing to offer such a benefit could not be subjected to civil, criminal, or administrative liability, or ineligibility for government contracts that do not expressly require the benefit.

Referred to the Committee on Insurance

March 23, 2006

Reported without amendment

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

April 26, 2006

Passed in the House 68 to 38 (details)

Received in the Senate

April 27, 2006

Referred to the Committee on Health Policy