2005 House Bill 5296

Require zoning violation “grace” period and penalty caps

Introduced in the House

Oct. 12, 2005

Introduced by Rep. Joe Hune (R-47)

To require that townships give property owners a 30 day “grace” period after the owner receives a notification that he or she is in violation of zoning provisions, during which time the owner may correct the violation with no penalty. Also, to limit the penalties for zoning violations to a maximum criminal fine of $500, and a maximum civil fine of $250 per day of violation, except that this cannot exceed 3 percent of the state equalized value of the property.

Referred to the Committee on Government Operations

Nov. 8, 2005

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass. The substitute narrows the scope of the bill to residential property only, shortens the "grace" period to 10 days, and clarifies the definition of "homeowner".