To appropriate $18.5 million left over in the School Aid Fund at the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005 to certain schools for programs to improve middle school mathematics performance. The money would only go to districts that meet certain performance benchmarks specified in the bill.
Referred to the Committee on Appropriations
Substitute offered
To replace the previous version of the bill with one that revises details but does not change the substance of the bill as previously described.
The substitute passed by voice vote
Amendment offered
To spend the money only if the January 2006 revenue estimating conference confirms that the state actually has it.
The amendment passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 98 to 4 (details)
To appropriate $18.5 million left over in the School Aid Fund at the end of Fiscal Year 2004-2005 to certain schools for programs to improve middle school mathematics performance. The money would only go to districts that meet certain performance benchmarks specified in the bill.
Referred to the Committee on Appropriations