2005 House Joint Resolution O

Impose new “recycling” sales tax

Introduced in the House

Sept. 8, 2005

Introduced by Rep. Goeff Hansen (R-100)

To place before voters in the next general election a Constitutional amendment to add a one-cent ($.01) tax to every retail transaction, except for motor fuel, prescription drugs, utilities, and vending machine sales. Proceeds from the tax could only be used for “recycling,” the definition for which is not specified in the resolution, but would be determined by the legislature. The measure would only go into effect if the 1976 “bottle bill” (mandatory beverage container deposits) is not amended by the legislature to apply to non-carbonated beverages. Note: Because it would amend a measure adopted by a vote of the people (the “bottle bill”), extending that law to non-carbonated beverages would require a three-quarters vote of the House and Senate.

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Great Lakes, Land Use, and Environment