2005 Senate Bill 356 / Public Act 191

Regulate investor-owned wastewater treatment facilities

Introduced in the Senate

March 24, 2005

Introduced by Sen. Bruce Patterson (R-7)

To include private, investor-owned wastewater treatment facilities in the law authorizing state loans to public facilities, and require them to meet the same environmental standards.

Referred to the Committee on Economic Development, Small Business, and Regulatory Reform

May 3, 2005

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (S-3) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

May 5, 2005

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one that just subjects private, investor-owned wastewater treatment facilities to the same state and federal environmental regulations as public facilities.

The substitute passed by voice vote

May 10, 2005

Passed in the Senate 38 to 0 (details)

To subject private, investor-owned wastewater treatment facilities to the same state and federal environmental regulations as public facilities.

Received in the House

May 10, 2005

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources, Great Lakes, Land Use, and Environment

June 16, 2005

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

June 23, 2005

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one that reflects a recent court case and ensuing changes in administrative rules regarding private sewer systems. The new version is organized differently, but places the same requirements in statute. It also deletes statutory language related to the DEQ's role as a mediator in disputes of sewerage service or sewage treatment rates.

The substitute passed by voice vote

Passed in the House 106 to 3 (details)

To subject private, investor-owned wastewater treatment facilities to the same state and federal environmental regulations as public facilities.

Received in the Senate

June 28, 2005

Oct. 18, 2005

Passed in the Senate 37 to 1 (details)

To concur with the House-passed version of the bill.

Signed by Gov. Jennifer Granholm

Nov. 5, 2005