2005 Senate Bill 767

Mandate state litter study and PR program

Introduced in the Senate

Sept. 21, 2005

Introduced by Sen. Alan L. Cropsey (R-33)

To require the state Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), to conduct a comprehensive study of the litter problems of the state, or have such a study conducted, and to publish the results within one year. The study would include the incidence of littering in the various areas; a descriptive categorization of areas where littering is the greatest, with the relative incidence of littering in each type of area; and demographic information about people who litter. Then, the "Travel Michigan" bureau would be required to administer a litter-reduction marketing plan. Unlike the version of the bill introduced in the previous legislature, this one is not linked to a $3 per ton solid waste disposal surcharge on garbage placed in Michigan landfills.

Referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs