2005 Senate Resolution 68

Urge court to ban tax-funded "homosexual union" benefits

Offered in the Senate

Sept. 29, 2005

Offered by Sen. Alan L. Cropsey (R-33)

To urge the Michigan Supreme Court to issue a temporary restraining order to prevent the spending of taxpayer monies to fund benefits for homosexual unions until the court has ruled on the constitutionality of this issue.

Oct. 6, 2005

Substitute offered by Sen. Alan L. Cropsey (R-33)

To replace the previous version of the resolution with one that revises details of the wording but otherwise urges the same result.

The substitute passed by voice vote

Adopted in the Senate by voice vote

To urge the Michigan Supreme Court to take whatever steps are necessary to maintain the status quo, with regard to same-sex benefits, that was in place prior to the September 28, 2005, 30th Circuit Court ruling in order to prevent the spending of taxpayer monies to fund benefits for homosexual unions until the court has reached a final adjudication.