2006 House Bill 5849

Regulatory reform package

Introduced in the House

March 9, 2006

Introduced by Rep. Rick Baxter (R-64)

To require each state agency, and the legislature's appropriations committees, to review every five years each administrative law (rule or regulation) they have imposed, to ensure that the agency has minimized the impact on small businesses. The reviews would examine the continued need for the rule; the nature of any public complaints or comments about the rule; the complexity of complying with the rule; the extent to which the rule conflicts with or duplicates similar rules or regulations adopted by the federal or local governments; the date of the last evaluation of the rules; and the degree to which technology, economic conditions, or other factors may have changed regulatory activity covered by the rule. On an annual basis state agencies would have to issue a report stating or describing all existing rules and indicating whether the rules should be continued, changed, or rescinded.

Referred to the Committee on Commerce