2007 House Bill 4115

Pressure drug companies to provide rebates to state

Introduced in the House

Jan. 24, 2007

Introduced by Rep. Marie Donigan (D-26)

To require the Department of Community Health (DCH) to negotiate drug discounts or rebates with prescription drug companies, make public the names of companies that refuse to offer rebates, and require prior authorization before any drug made by a company that refused to agree to a rebate or discount could be dispensed to a recipient of Medicaid or other low income health program. The bill would also establish a state “Rx Card” program that would extend discounts to Medicaid clients and other people without health care or drug insurance coverage. The program would require pharmacies that fill Medicaid-paid prescriptions to sell drugs to Rx cardholders at reduced price levels specified in the bill, and would reimburse the cost of the discounts from the rebates received from drug makers.

Referred to the Committee on Health Policy