2007 House Bill 4885

Renew Detroit city-owned golf course liquor license

Introduced in the House

June 7, 2007

Introduced by Rep. Coleman Young (D-4)

To authorize the Liquor Control Commission to renew the beer and wine license of a golf course owned by the City of Detroit. The bill lowers the population threshold for an eligible city from 1 million to 800,000. This relates to the legal “device” used in such bills that prevents them from being considered a “local act.” The Constitution requires a two thirds vote for a bill that applies only to a particular community, so specifying a “unit of government with a population greater than X” is often used to skirt that requirement. The population threshold change in this example reflects the reality of Detroit’s loss of population from almost two million in 1960 to barely 800,000 today.

Referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform