2007 House Bill 5584

Revise and add to state milk regulations

Introduced in the House

Dec. 13, 2007

Introduced by Rep. John Espinoza (D-83)

To revise and add to the (extensive) state regulations on the production, distribution, marketing and sale of milk and milk products. See <a href="http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2007-2008/billanalysis/House/htm/2007-HLA-5584-3.htm">House Fiscal Agency analysis</a> for details.

Referred to the Committee on Agriculture

Jan. 23, 2008

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

Jan. 30, 2008

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one that revises details but does not change the substance of the bill as previously described.

The substitute passed by voice vote

Passed in the House 110 to 0 (details)

Received in the Senate

Jan. 31, 2008

Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Bioeconomy