To urge Congress to enact the "Employee Free Choice Act" (EFCA), which would allow unions to organize the employees of a company by getting signatures from a majority in face-to-face meetings with union organizers, rather than though an election in which workers have the right to cast a secret ballot. EFCA would also mandate that binding arbitration be used to determine the wages and terms if negotiations on an initial contract after the recognition of a union reach an impasse.
Referred to the Committee on Labor
Adopted in the House by voice vote
Motion to reconsider
The vote by which the House adopted House Resolution No. 21. Note: Minority Republican members had sought a record roll call vote on the resolution, but the House majority leadership 'failed to hear' the motions for this, and instead passed it on a voice vote (using a 'fast gavel' technique that is not uncommon in the House).
The motion failed 49 to 54 (details)