2007 Senate Bill 643

Revise vehicle driver TV screen restrictions

Introduced in the Senate

July 19, 2007

Introduced by Sen. Cameron Brown (R-16)

To amend a law that prohibits TVs in vehicles that can be viewed by the driver, to revise an exception for a display that allows monitoring the rear view of the vehicle when backing up, so as to also allows a such a screen to monitor views to the sides or front, as long is it automatically turns off with the vehicle is moving forward at 12 mph or faster.

Referred to the Committee on Transportation

Sept. 12, 2007

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (S-2) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

Sept. 24, 2007

Substitute offered

The substitute passed by voice vote

Sept. 25, 2007

Substitute offered by Sen. Cameron Brown (R-16)

The substitute passed by voice vote

Passed in the Senate 38 to 0 (details)

Received in the House

Sept. 25, 2007

Referred to the Committee on Transportation