To create an exception for a particular firm to certain procedures and deadlines for granting industrial facilities property tax breaks.
Referred to the Committee on Economic Development and Regulatory Reform
Substitute offered
To replace the previous version of the bill with one that also extends property tax breaks to a particular sporting goods retailer's warehouse, and authorizes the reinstatement of a particular facility's tax break that was revoked.
The substitute passed by voice vote
Amendment offered
To clarify that a provision that authorizes the reinstatement of a particular facility's tax break that was revoked only applies if the facility qualifies in other ways for the tax break.
The amendment passed by voice vote
Passed in the Senate 37 to 0 (details)
To authorize property tax abatements for a sporting goods retailer's warehouse within 35 miles of the state border, as long as the facility is at least 300,000 square feet and has an assessed value of $5 million or more. Also to create an exception for two particular facilities to certain procedures and deadlines for granting industrial facilities property tax breaks.
Referred to the Committee on New Economy and Quality of Life
Reported without amendment
With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.
Substitute offered
To replace the previous version of the bill with one that revises details but does not change the substance of the bill as previously described.
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 103 to 0 (details)
To authorize property tax abatements for a sporting goods retailer's warehouse within 35 miles of the state border, as long as the facility is at least 250,000 square feet and has an assessed value of $5 million or more. Also to create an exception for two particular facilities to certain procedures and deadlines for granting industrial facilities property tax breaks.
Passed in the Senate 36 to 0 (details)
To concur with the House-passed version of the bill.