2008 Senate Bill 1375

Earmark road money to rail grade crossings

Introduced in the Senate

June 12, 2008

Introduced by Sen. Jim Barcia (D-31)

To earmark up to $12 million of state road tax money for highway-railroad grade crossing surface repair and construction projects. The bill creates a formula for dividing the money among various levels of government and different types of roads.

Referred to the Committee on Transportation

Dec. 10, 2008

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (S-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

Dec. 11, 2008

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one that reduces the size of the earmark.

The substitute passed by voice vote

Passed in the Senate 36 to 0 (details)

To earmark up to $3 million of state road tax money for highway-railroad grade crossing surface repair and construction projects. The bill creates a formula for dividing the money among various levels of government and different types of roads.

Received in the House

Dec. 11, 2008

Referred to the Committee on Transportation