2009 House Bill 4736

Revise identity theft procedures

Introduced in the House

March 31, 2009

Introduced by Rep. Jim Stamas (R-98)

To require the State Police to develop a model identity theft police report form that local agencies can use. <a href="http://www.michiganvotes.org/2004-SB-1384">Public Act 456 of 2004</a> requires that a victim of identity theft is entitled to a police report from a law enforcement agency in a jurisdiction where the alleged violation may be prosecuted. Also, to authorize enhanced restitution for victims of identity theft, which would include any costs and attorney fees incurred to rectify the effects on the victim’s finances, credit history and personal rec.

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary

July 15, 2009

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the substitute (H-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.

Sept. 9, 2009

Substitute offered

To replace the previous version of the bill with one that revises details but does not change the substance of the bill as previously described.

The substitute passed by voice vote

Amendment offered by Rep. Mark Meadows (D-69)

To establish a new date on which the bill will go into effect if passed.

The amendment passed by voice vote

Passed in the House 107 to 0 (details)

Received in the Senate

Sept. 10, 2009

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary