2009 Senate Bill 101

Revise child custody, support, and parenting time procedures

Introduced in the Senate

Jan. 28, 2009

Introduced by Sen. Mark Jansen (R-28)

To amend the law that establishes conditions and procedures for grandparents to be granted “grandparenting time” with the children in child custody disputes, so that it is consistent with the revisions in the child custody law proposed by Senate Bill 99. In particular, the bill would refer to alternative dispute resolution, rather than domestic relations mediation, in grandparenting time provisions.

Referred to the Committee on Families and Human Services

Feb. 3, 2009

Referred to the Committee of the Whole

With the recommendation that the bill pass.

Feb. 10, 2009

Passed in the Senate 37 to 0 (details)

Received in the House

Feb. 10, 2009

Referred to the Committee on Families and Childrens Services