2011 Senate Bill 634 / 2012 Public Act 57

Clarify agricultural property tax detail

Introduced in the Senate

Sept. 8, 2011

Introduced by Sen. Joe Hune (R-22)

To extend to partnerships certain agricultural property tax breaks (in the form of deferred due-dates, not rate reductions).

Referred to the Committee on Finance

Jan. 26, 2012

Reported without amendment

With the recommendation that the bill pass.

Feb. 14, 2012

Passed in the Senate 38 to 0

Received in the House

Feb. 14, 2012

Referred to the Committee on Agriculture

Feb. 29, 2012

Reported without amendment

Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.

March 7, 2012

Passed in the House 110 to 0 (details)

To extend to partnerships certain agricultural property tax breaks (in the form of deferred due-dates, not rate reductions).

Signed by Gov. Rick Snyder

March 22, 2012