To permit an individual to be a public school substitute teacher it the person has earned 60 credit hours at a community college or an associates degree at one. Current law requires 90 credit hour.
Referred to the Committee on Education Reform
Reported without amendment
Without amendment and with the recommendation that the bill pass.
Passed in the House 64 to 45 (details)
To permit an individual to be a public school substitute teacher it the person has earned 60 credit hours at a community college or an associates degree at one. Current law requires 90 credit hours.
Referred to the Committee on Education
Reported without amendment
With the recommendation that the substitute (S-1) be adopted and that the bill then pass.
Amendment offered
To require substitute teachers in grades 9 through 12 to be at least 22 years old.
The amendment passed by voice vote
Passed in the Senate 26 to 10 (details)
To permit an individual to be a public school substitute teacher it the person has earned 60 credit hours at a community college or an associates degree at one. Current law requires 90 credit hours.
Substitute offered
To replace the previous version of the bill with one that revises details but does not change the substance as previously described.
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 63 to 46 (details)
To permit an individual to be a public school substitute teacher it the person has earned 60 credit hours at a community college or an associates degree at one. Current law requires 90 credit hours.
Passed in the Senate 25 to 11 (details)
To concur with the House-passed version of the bill.