2018 House Bill 5692

Repeal potential electricity “net-metering” reimbursement level restrictions

Introduced in the House

March 6, 2018

Introduced by Rep. Yousef Rabhi (D-53)

To repeal a provision of a <a href="http://www.michiganvotes.org/2015-SB-438">bill enacted in 2016</a> that rewrote much of the state law regulating electric utility monopolies, and which required the state Public Service Commission to conduct a study on the appropriate amount of charges and credits to a customer participating in a “net metering” or “distributed generation” program. These programs let a customer who generates a small amount of power with solar cells or a windmill to sell it back to the utility at a set price; critics have contended that such programs often require utilities to pay above-market rates for this power.

Referred to the Committee on Energy Policy