An act to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “An act to revise, consolidate, codify, and add to the statutes relating to crimes; to define crimes and prescribe the penalties and remedies; to provide for restitution under certain circumstances; to provide for the competency of evidence at the trial of persons accused of crime; to provide immunity from prosecution for certain witnesses appearing at criminal trials; to provide for liability for damages; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts inconsistent with or contravening any of the provisions of this act,” by amending section 234d (MCL 750.234d), as amended by 1994 PA 158.
House Bills 4127 and 4128 would amend the Michigan Penal Code to make it illegal to possess a firearm at a polling place or at a counting board location, respectively. Violations would be punishable by up to 90 days’ imprisonment or a fine of up to $100, or both.
Co-sponsored by Reps.
Referred to the Committee on Elections
Reported with substitute H-2
Substitute H-2 concurred in by voice vote
Substitute H-5 offered
The substitute failed by voice vote
Substitute H-4 offered
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 56 to 53 (details)
Motion to give immediate effect
The motion prevailed by voice vote
Referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics
Reported without amendment
Referred to the Committee of the Whole
Reported without amendment
1. Amend page 3, line 9, after “officer” by striking out “acting in the course of the officer’s duties”.
The amendment passed 36 to 1 (details)
1. Amend page 3, following line 15, by inserting:
“(d) An individual conducting lawful, non-election-related business.”.
The amendment failed 18 to 20 (details)
1. Amend page 3, line 16, after “Subsection” by striking out “(3)(c)” and inserting “(3)”.
The amendment passed by voice vote
1. Amend page 3, line 12, after “property” by inserting “or any other person who has permission to possess a firearm in that person’s residence or on that person’s private property”.
The amendment passed by voice vote
Passed in the Senate 21 to 17 (details)
Motion to reconsider
The motion prevailed by voice vote
Passed in the Senate 20 to 18 (details)
Amendment concurred in 56 to 53 (details)