An act to provide for the establishment of history museum authorities; to provide for the powers and duties of a history museum authority; to authorize the levy and collection of a property tax by a history museum authority; and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state and local governmental officers and entities.
House Bill No. 4177 aims to establish history museum authorities in counties to serve as public corporate bodies. These authorities would have the power to levy property taxes up to 0.4 mill for 20 years to support museum services. The bill details the process for creating these authorities, including filing articles of incorporation, defining board member roles, ensuring operational transparency, and managing finances. It mandates adherence to the Open Meetings Act, requires public meetings, and specifies that tax levies for museum support must be approved by a majority of county electors in an election. Additionally, the bill outlines procedures for submitting tax proposals, conducting elections, transferring funds to museum service providers, and mandates that these funds be used solely for museum benefits. It also requires the authority to reimburse the county or municipality for the actual costs of conducting the tax election, mandates annual audits, and outlines the powers and duties of various officials and entities in relation to the authority. In case of a fiscal deficit, the authority must file a financial plan to correct the condition.
Co-sponsored by Reps.
Referred to the Committee on Government Operations
Referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform
Reported without amendment
Substitute H-2 offered
The substitute passed by voice vote
Passed in the House 56 to 53 (details)
Motion to give immediate effect
The motion prevailed by voice vote
Referred to the Committee on Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection
Reported without amendment
Referred to the Committee of the Whole
Reported without amendment
Passed in the Senate 20 to 18 (details)