2023 House Bill 4322

Marihuana: other; individuals who are 19 years of age or older; allow to be employed by or volunteer for marihuana establishments.

A bill to amend 2018 IL 1, entitled “Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act,” by amending the title and sections 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, and 11 (MCL 333.27953, 333.27954, 333.27955, 333.27958, 333.27960, and 333.27961), sections 3 and 8 as amended by 2021 PA 56.

House Fiscal Agency Analysis

House Bill 4322 would amend several sections of the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act that provide for the minimum age of an individual who is performing certain actions and tasks involving marijuana. Currently, the minimum age is 21 years old. The bill would lower that age threshold to 19 years old if the individual is an agent acting on behalf of a marijuana establishment and performing certain tasks or actions. Generally speaking, the act currently requires that an individual must be 21 years of age or older to acquire, possess, or transport marijuana, including for purposes relating to actions performed on behalf of a licensee, including a marijuana grower, processor, secure transporter, a safety compliance facility, retailer, or microbusiness. The bill would allow an individual who is 19 years or older perform certain acts while acting as an agent of a marijuana licensee, but only if doing so as an agent of the marijuana licensees specified. The bill also would allow an individual who is 19 years old (rather than the current 21 years old) to volunteer for a marijuana establishment if an agent of the establishment who is 21 years of age or older is present and directly supervises the individual while they are volunteering and working. Finally, the bill would make other technical or editorial changes that would not substantially change the act’s current meaning

Introduced in the House

March 22, 2023

Introduced by Rep. Kevin Coleman (D-25) and seven co-sponsors

Co-sponsored by Reps. Jimmie Wilson (D-32), Emily Dievendorf (D-77), Dylan Wegela (D-26), Mike McFall (D-8), Graham Filler (R-93), Tullio Liberati (D-2) and James DeSana (R-29)

Referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform

May 16, 2023

Reported without amendment

June 28, 2023

Substitute H-1 offered by Rep. Kevin Coleman (D-25)

The substitute passed by voice vote