2023 House Bill 4609

Vehicles: agricultural equipment; original equipment manufacturers of electronics-enabled agricultural equipment to provide certain parts, tools, and documentation to owners and independent repair providers; require.

A bill to require original equipment manufacturers of certain agricultural equipment to make certain parts, tools, and documentation available to certain persons; to prescribe civil sanctions; and to provide for the powers and duties of certain state governmental officers and entities.

AI Analysis – Experimental

This legislation aims to ensure that repairs can be made by parties other than the OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) without facing unreasonable costs, conditions, or restrictions. It specifies that documentation should be freely available unless in printed form, where reasonable preparation and shipping costs may apply, and that software tools should be accessible without undue authorization or internet barriers. The bill also addresses the provision of parts, tools, and documentation for equipment with electronic security locks, ensuring these can be disabled and reset securely during repairs.