2023 House Bill 5209 / 2024 Public Act 26

Criminal procedure: sentencing guidelines; sentencing guidelines for surrogate parentage contracts involving minors or intellectually disabled and for compensation; remove.

An act to amend 1927 PA 175, entitled “An act to revise, consolidate, and codify the laws relating to criminal procedure and to define the jurisdiction, powers, and duties of courts, judges, and other officers of the court under the provisions of this act; to provide laws relative to the rights of persons accused of criminal offenses and ordinance violations; to provide for the arrest of persons charged with or suspected of criminal offenses and ordinance violations; to provide for bail of persons arrested for or accused of criminal offenses and ordinance violations; to provide for the examination of persons accused of criminal offenses; to regulate the procedure relative to grand juries, indictments, informations, and proceedings before trial; to provide for trials of persons complained of or indicted for criminal offenses and ordinance violations and to provide for the procedure in those trials; to provide for judgments and sentences of persons convicted of criminal offenses and ordinance violations; to establish a sentencing commission and to prescribe its powers and duties; to provide for procedure relating to new trials and appeals in criminal and ordinance violation cases; to provide a uniform system of probation throughout this state and the appointment of probation officers; to prescribe the powers, duties, and compensation of probation officers; to provide penalties for the violation of the duties of probation officers; to provide for procedure governing proceedings to prevent crime and proceedings for the discovery of crime; to provide for fees of officers, witnesses, and others in criminal and ordinance violation cases; to set forth miscellaneous provisions as to criminal procedure in certain cases; to provide penalties for the violation of certain provisions of this act; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with or contravening any of the provisions of this act,” by amending section 15g of chapter XVII (MCL 777.15g), as amended by 2017 PA 259.

House Fiscal Agency Analysis

Repeals the Surrogate Parenting Act and create a new act, the Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy Parentage Act. The new act would address issues related to the birth of a child by assisted reproduction, including under a surrogacy agreement, including legal presumptions concerning parentage, procedures and requirements for surrogacy agreements, legal venue and judicial responsibilities, and related issues.

Introduced in the House

Oct. 24, 2023

Introduced by Rep. Kelly Breen (D-21) and four co-sponsors

Co-sponsored by Reps. Samantha Steckloff (D-19), Jason Morgan (D-23), Jennifer Conlin (D-48) and Amos O’Neal (D-94)

Referred to the Committee on Judiciary

Nov. 1, 2023

Reported without amendment

Nov. 9, 2023

Passed in the House 56 to 53 (details)

Motion to give immediate effect by Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-9)

The motion prevailed by voice vote

Received in the Senate

Nov. 9, 2023

Referred to the Committee on Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety

March 14, 2024

Reported without amendment

March 19, 2024

Referred to the Committee of the Whole

Reported without amendment

Passed in the Senate 22 to 15 (details)

Signed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

April 1, 2024