2023 House Resolution 117

A resolution to declare June 3-11, 2023, as Great Lakes and Fresh Water Week in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, Michigan is the Great Lake State and collectively the Great Lakes contain over 80% of North America’s surface fresh water. Michigan is also home to over 10,000 inland lakes and tens of thousands of miles of rivers and streams; and

Whereas, Michigan’s fresh water supports essential state industries including tourism, fishing, transportation, agriculture, and outdoor recreation; and

Whereas, Michigan’s waterways support biodiversity across the state by linking wetlands, dunes, coastal, and aquatic ecosystems; and

Whereas, Michigan’s fresh water links our communities to those of other states. This vital natural resource is enjoyed by people throughout the Great Lakes region. Michigan must take care to act as a leader in protecting fresh water and conserving our most fundamentally important natural resource; and

Whereas, The resiliency supported by access to fresh water supports Michigan communities as they cope with the impacts of climate change, which is already causing an increase in extreme weather events as well as other significant economic challenges; and

Whereas, Michigan’s economy will continue to benefit from the desire of state leaders to foster a water-literate workforce and open career pathways centered around the state’s abundant freshwater resources; and

Whereas, Affordable, clean water is a vital component of public health. State leaders must remain focused on ensuring equitable access to clean water for all communities. To that end, Michigan must continue to invest in its water infrastructure and ensure that no municipality, neighborhood, or school district is unable to provide water to its people; and

Whereas, Michigan seeks to manage its water resources in a way that is environmentally just, and to work in close partnership with federal, state, local, regional, tribal, and provincial partners; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare June 3-11, 2023, as Great Lakes and Fresh Water Week in the state of Michigan.