2023 House Resolution 23

A resolution to declare January 31, 2023, as Gas Stove Appreciation Day in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, The advent of the gas stove has provided a reliable and affordable solution for Michigan families; and

Whereas, Many families struggled with reliable methods of cooking before the popularity of gas stoves. This absence heavily contributed to poor diets; and

Whereas, Gas stoves provide a method of cooking food during a power outage, which electric ranges would not allow; and

Whereas, Without this deeply important invention, many Michigan homes would’ve struggled to put high-quality meals out for their families and children, leading to malnourishment; and

Whereas, Any attempt to ban and or forcibly remove Michigander’s ability to purchase or own a gas stove is a direct attack on the citizens of Michigan and our republic; and

Whereas, It is appropriate that a day should be set apart for the appreciation of gas stoves and their impact on Michigan’s citizens; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare January 31, 2023, as Gas Stove Appreciation Day in the state of Michigan.