2023 Senate Bill 554

Housing: landlord and tenants; right for water and sewer bill to be in tenant's name; provide for.

A bill to amend 1972 PA 348, entitled “An act to regulate relationships between landlords and tenants relative to rental agreements for rental units; to regulate the payment, repayment, use and investment of security deposits; to provide for commencement and termination inventories of rental units; to provide for termination arrangements relative to rental units; to provide for legal remedies; and to provide penalties,” (MCL 554.601 to 554.616) by adding section 1d.

AI Analysis – Experimental

SB 554 aims to amend the 1972 PA 348, which regulates landlord-tenant relationships concerning rental agreements. The bill proposes adding section 1d, allowing tenants in metered or sub-metered rental premises to request their landlords to either send them a copy of the water and sewer bill or transfer the bill into the tenant's name, making them responsible for it. Landlords must comply with such requests, ensure the costs are not included in the rental payment, and are prohibited from discriminating or retaliating against tenants who make these requests. The bill stipulates that new, renewed, or renegotiated rental agreements after its effective date must include these provisions. However, in cases of conflict with federal laws on subsidized housing, the federal regulations will prevail. The bill applies only to leases entered into, renewed, or renegotiated post the effective date of this amendment, respecting the constitutional prohibition against impairing contracts.

SB 722 amends existing water and sewage system regulations to include a new definition for "provider" and requires providers to approve certain requests from tenants, contingent on the passage of SB 554.

Introduced in the Senate

Oct. 3, 2023

Introduced by Sen. Mary Cavanagh (D-6) and four co-sponsors

Co-sponsored by Sens. Stephanie Chang (D-3), Rosemary Bayer (D-13), Paul Wojno (D-10) and Sue Shink (D-14)

Referred to the Committee on Housing and Human Services