2024 House Bill 5394

Health: anatomical gifts; inclusion on the donor registry of an individual who elects to be a donor on an income tax schedule; allow.

A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled “Public health code,” by amending section 10120 (MCL 333.10120), as amended by 2023 PA 101.

House Fiscal Agency Analysis

House Bill 5394 would amend the Public Health Code to require the secretary of state to forward an individual’s driver’s license or state personal identification card number to an organ procurement organization (or its successor organization) in cases where an individual who indicated a willingness to be placed on the registry on their individual income tax return did not provide the number. Currently, an individual is able to indicate a willingness to be included on the anatomical gift registry on a form1 that can be submitted with their state individual income tax return. If an individual indicates a willingness to be included, the Department of Treasury is required to transmit the form to the secretary of state. Under the bill, if the information submitted by the individual does not include their driver’s license or state personal identification card number, the secretary of state would be required to provide that information to the organ procurement organization or its successor organization directly.

Introduced in the House

Jan. 16, 2024

Introduced by Rep. Cynthia Neeley (D-70) and five co-sponsors

Co-sponsored by Reps. Kristian Grant (D-82), Stephanie Young (D-16), Kimberly Edwards (D-12), Amos O’Neal (D-94) and Emily Dievendorf (D-77)

Referred to the Committee on Tax Policy

May 15, 2024

Reported without amendment

Sept. 25, 2024

Passed in the House 99 to 10 (details)

Motion to give immediate effect by Rep. Abraham Aiyash (D-9)

The motion prevailed by voice vote

Received in the Senate

Oct. 2, 2024

Referred to the Committee on Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection

Dec. 20, 2024

Discharged from committee

Referred to the Committee of the Whole

Reported without amendment