2024 House Bill 5743

Torts: liability; immunity for individuals rendering emergency services who apply bleeding control; provide for.

A bill to amend 1963 PA 17, entitled “An act to relieve certain persons from civil liability when rendering emergency care, when rendering care to persons involved in competitive sports under certain circumstances, or when participating in a mass immunization program approved by the department of public health,” (MCL 691.1501 to 691.1507) by adding section 8.

AI Analysis – Experimental

House Bill No. 5743 seeks to amend the 1963 PA 17 act to provide civil liability immunity for individuals who voluntarily apply bleeding control measures in good faith during an emergency. This immunity does not apply in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. The bill specifies that this immunity covers actions such as applying pressure, dressings, packing, or tourniquets to control bleeding.