Whereas, It is with great admiration for his commitment to the Michigan House of Representatives and people of the Thirty-fifth District, which encompasses all of Branch and Hillsdale counties and the city of Hudson in Lenawee County, that we honor Representative Andrew Fink upon completion of his service as a member of this legislative body. During his four years of service, his ongoing dedication to improving the lives of Michiganders has benefited not only his constituents but the entire state of Michigan; and
Whereas, Representative Fink was well-prepared for legislative service before entering the House of Representatives. He earned a juris doctor from the University of Michigan and graduated from Hillsdale College with a bachelor’s degree in politics. Representative Fink worked as an attorney and small business owner, but was no stranger to public service, having served in the United States Marines before coming to Lansing; and
Whereas, Representative Fink drew upon his education and experience while serving as the minority vice chair of the Judiciary Committee. In addition, he proudly served on the Economic Development and Small Business Committee, the Subcommittee on Housing, and the Appropriations Committee, where he advocated for responsible state spending; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That we offer this expression of admiration and thanks to the Honorable Andrew Fink for his service to the people of this state as a member of this legislative body; and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to Representative Fink as evidence of our appreciation and best wishes.
Referred to the Committee on Government Operations