2024 Senate Bill 949

Education: curriculum; biology content standards and subject area content expectations and guidelines; modify to require instruction on fetal development.

A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled “The revised school code,” (MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1170c.

AI Analysis – Experimental

This legislation mandates that by the 2025-2026 school year, the Michigan Department of Education must update the model core academic curriculum content standards for biology, as well as the subject area content expectations and guidelines for biology under section 1278b, to include comprehensive coverage of human biology related to pregnancy. Specifically, the curriculum must encompass an overview of human development within the uterus, a high-definition ultrasound video of at least three minutes showing early fetal development of the brain, heart, and other vital organs, and a high-quality computer-generated rendering or animation detailing each stage of human development inside the uterus, highlighting significant markers in cell growth and organ development throughout pregnancy until birth.

The bill does not specify any particular funding allocations or financial figures for the implementation of these curriculum changes. However, it implies that the necessary resources will need to be allocated to ensure the development and dissemination of the required educational materials. This amendment to the existing school code represents a significant modification to the current biology curriculum, emphasizing a more detailed and technologically enhanced understanding of human fetal development.

The impact of this legislation will be felt across various stakeholders. Students will benefit from a more detailed and visually engaging biology curriculum, potentially enhancing their understanding of human development. Educators will need to adapt to the new curriculum requirements, which may involve additional training or resources. The inclusion of high-definition videos and computer-generated animations may also necessitate updates to classroom technology and teaching aids. While the bill aims to provide a more comprehensive educational experience, it may also face scrutiny or opposition from groups concerned about the implications of mandating specific content related to pregnancy and fetal development.

The critical timeline established by the bill is the 2025-2026 school year, by which the updated curriculum standards must be in place. This deadline provides a clear timeframe for the Department of Education to develop, approve, and implement the new educational materials and guidelines.

Introduced in the Senate

June 26, 2024

Introduced by Sen. John Damoose (R-37) and two co-sponsors

Co-sponsored by Sens. Jim Runestad (R-23) and Kevin Daley (R-26)

Referred to the Committee on Education