A bill to prohibit members of the legislature from entering into certain nondisclosure agreements.
The bill prohibits Michigan legislators from entering into nondisclosure agreements related to their legislative work.
Co-sponsored by Reps.
Referred to the Committee on Government Operations
Reported with substitute H-1
Substitute H-1 concurred in by voice vote
1. Amend page 2, line 3, by striking out all of enacting section 1 and inserting:
“Enacting section 1. This act does not take effect unless all of the following bills of the 103rd Legislature are enacted into law:
(a) House Bill No. 4053.
(b) Senate Bill No. 1.
(c) Senate Bill No. 2.”.
The amendment failed by voice vote
Passed in the House 80 to 28 (details)
Motion to give immediate effect
The motion prevailed by voice vote