Whereas, Since 1993, the United Nations has designated March 22nd as World Water Day; and
Whereas, The theme of World Water Day 2025 is glacier preservation. Glaciers played a fundamental role in shaping Michigan’s landscape and continue to contribute to freshwater supplies through their remnants in the Upper Peninsula; and
Whereas, While we recognize the interconnectedness of humanity and appreciate global challenges, we also recognize our duty as Michiganders in protecting our natural resources and instilling a sense of pride in ourselves and our children for our Great Lakes; and be it further
Whereas, We cherish and acknowledge the special responsibility of protecting Michigan’s waters for current and future generations, being mindful of the role glaciers played in our state’s freshwater heritage and of assuring access to clean water and sanitation for all Michigan residents; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare March 22, 2025, as Michigan Water Day and World Water Day in the state of Michigan. It is with great honor and appreciation that we take this time to join other states and nations in expressing our commitment to ensuring that clean drinking water is available to all Michiganders and commit ourselves to promotion of public awareness to prevent our precious water from pollution and depletion. On this day, we will celebrate and honor the pure water in our state, our country, and our world.
Co-sponsored by Reps.
Adopted in the House by voice vote