2025 House Resolution 50

A resolution to declare March 21, 2025, as Rosie the Riveter Day in the state of Michigan.

Whereas, During World War II, millions of American women stepped into roles traditionally held by men, serving as the backbone of the home front workforce in factories, shipyards, and other industrial settings; and

Whereas, Rosie the Riveter became an enduring symbol of female empowerment, determination, and patriotism, inspiring generations of women to pursue careers in various industries and advocate for equal opportunities in the workforce; and

Whereas, Michigan played a crucial role in the wartime production effort, with factories in Willow Run, Detroit, and other locations employing thousands of women who contributed to the manufacturing of bombers, airplanes, tanks, and other essential wartime materials; and

Whereas, The contributions of these women not only helped secure victory in World War II but also laid the foundation for the advancement of women’s rights in the workplace and beyond; and

Whereas, Recognizing March 21 as Rosie the Riveter Day provides an opportunity to honor the legacy of these trailblazing women, educate future generations about their impact, and celebrate the spirit of resilience and determination that defines Michigan’s workforce; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare March 21, 2025, as Rosie the Riveter Day in the state of Michigan; and be it further

Resolved, That the Michigan Legislature encourages residents, schools, businesses, and organizations to commemorate this day through educational activities, community events, and acts of recognition that honor the contributions of the women who shaped our nation’s history.