Whereas, Launched in 2002, Michigan 2-1-1 is a service provided at no cost to residents, and connects them with thousands of both public and private health and human services agencies and resources right in their communities- quickly, easily, and confidentially; and
Whereas, The 2-1-1 helpline is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via phone, email, live chat, and online databases; and
Whereas, Michigan 2-1-1 has supported the state during natural disasters, including tornados, flooding, and cold snaps; and
Whereas, In Michigan, 406,000 individuals contacted 2-1-1 for assistance with housing, utility assistance, food assistance, job training, and other resources in just the last year alone; and
Whereas, We recognize 2-1-1’s service as a valued, community asset and are grateful to the dedicated community care advocates for their efficient, effective, and compassionate response to the growing needs of residents; and
Whereas, Coinciding with February 11th (2-11), this month is appropriate for recognizing the beneficial services available to Michigan taxpayers through 2-1-1; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate, That the members of this legislative body commemorate February 2025 as Michigan 2-1-1 Month. We aim to increase awareness about these beneficial services to Michigan residents in need.
Co-sponsored by Sens.
Adopted in the Senate by voice vote