2025 Senate Resolution 9

A resolution to amend the Standing Rules of the Senate.

Resolved by the Senate, That Rule 2.103 of the Standing Rules of the Senate be hereby amended to read as follows:


The standing committees of the Senate shall be:

Appropriations (18 members)

Civil Rights, Judiciary, and Public Safety (7 members)

Economic and Community Development (8 members)

Education (7 members)

Elections and Ethics (7 members)

Energy and Environment (13 members)

Finance, Insurance, and Consumer Protection (8 members)

Government Operations (5 members)

Health Policy (10 members)

Housing and Human Services (11 members)

Labor (4 members)

Local Government (7 members)

Natural Resources and Agriculture (7 members)

Oversight (6 members)

Regulatory Affairs (10 11 members)

Transportation and Infrastructure (10 members)

Veterans and Emergency Services (5 members)

Statutory standing committees:Administrative Rules (5 members) (see MCL 24.235)

Legislative Council (6 members and 3 alternates) (see MCL 4.1103)

Legislative Retirement Board of Trustees (2 members) (see MCL 38.1026)

Library of Michigan Board of Trustees (2 members) (see MCL 397.14)

Michigan Commission on Uniform State Laws (2 members) (see MCL 4.1301)

Michigan Council on Future Mobility (2 members) (see MCL 257.665)

Michigan Law Revision Commission (2 members) (see MCL 4.1401)

Senate Fiscal Agency Board of Governors (5 members) (see MCL 4.1501).

Offered in the Senate

Feb. 5, 2025

Offered by Sen. Winnie Brinks (D-29)

Adopted in the Senate by voice vote