Individual income tax: rate; rollback to 4.05%; provide for.
Weapons: concealed; exemptions to concealed weapons; modify.
Natural resources: hunting; waiver of hunter safety course for individuals with a valid concealed pistol license and military service members; provide for.
Labor: youth employment; parent or legal guardian of a minor being educated at the minor's home; allow to issue a work permit for the minor.
Health: other; option for fetal remains to be given to family; provide for.
A resolution to declare April 24, 2024, as Michigan Afterschool Partnership Day in the state of Michigan.
A resolution to declare April 2024 as Community College Month in the state of Michigan.
A resolution to urge the United States Secretary of State to designate drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations.
A resolution to urge the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to allow the state of Michigan to engage in the scientific management of the species Canis Lupus.
A resolution to urge the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Commission to declare the Houghton-Douglass Falls as the Houghton-Douglass Falls Veterans Scenic Site, a unit of McLain State Park.